My first solid food is... errr.... ahhhhh... uhmmm...
When I was a wee kid, the only reason I went to KFC was to play at its mini playground. I seldom eat the chicken.
I want to try kimchi. The real kimchi.
I am so focused when I eat. So focused to the point of ignoring everything around me. XD
I love to eat my fries with tomato ketchup.
I prefer to eat burger without chilli sauce. It kills the taste.
I do not understand why most Malaysians loves to dispense lots of chilli sauce at fast food joints. 1 tray *you know, that little thing. apa nama dia?* is enough la!!!
Ever since I arrived here (UPM), I suffered from fresh fish inadequacy. Warrggghhhh!!!! I really love fish!!!
I hate catfish.
I love grilled salmon with black pepper. Terubuk pun sama!
I love meat. Especially kambing. And lamb too!!
I love to eat raw cabbage & raw carrot!
Errrrr..... k bye.