Thursday, March 24, 2011

Food o' food!

My first food is mom's breast milk.

My first solid food is... errr.... ahhhhh... uhmmm...

When I was a wee kid, the only reason I went to KFC was to play at its mini playground. I seldom eat the chicken.

I want to try kimchi. The real kimchi.

I am so focused when I eat. So focused to the point of ignoring everything around me. XD

I love to eat my fries with tomato ketchup.

I prefer to eat burger without chilli sauce. It kills the taste.

I do not understand why most Malaysians loves to dispense lots of chilli sauce at fast food joints. 1 tray *you know, that little thing. apa nama dia?* is enough la!!!

Ever since I arrived here (UPM), I suffered from fresh fish inadequacy. Warrggghhhh!!!! I really love fish!!!

I hate catfish.

I love grilled salmon with black pepper. Terubuk pun sama!

I love meat. Especially kambing. And lamb too!!

I love to eat raw cabbage & raw carrot!

Errrrr..... k bye.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ayam yang menipu.

Mango cordial.

Ate halfway, then snap 'em. All for RM3.50.

Highlight of today's lunch.

Again, sorry for the crappy camera. I ain't got no DSLR!

The chicken looked yummy and juicy. At the first bite, I fell in love with it and decided to give it a near-perfect score. But as I sank my teeth deeper into its flesh, I noticed that the manuk is not fully cooked!

So, I should kiss you goodbye, o' near-perfect score.

Seriously, ayam. You have excellent taste. Perfectly grilled, succulent, juicy. Complemented with special chilli gravy* (what's kuah in Malay? [Ok it's gravy]), this ayam nearly made me drooooollllllll~~

I hope the cook would improve this in the near future.

Place: The stall at Putra Food Court UPM (the one sits in between Gerai Pok Yie and drinks stall)
Price: Rice + egg soup + kailan + chicken = RM 3.50
Rating: 6.5/10.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kek Keju Oreo.

It may look tasty.

But umm....

Sorry for the crappy pics.
I did not bring any decent camera with and thus, the crappy pic taken with a crappy camera phone.

I did not have a high expectation for its taste, as this is not a cake from ye (not so) olde Resepi Rahsia.

Price: RM4.50/slice
Rating: 5.5/10


Hello people.

Nah. No people. I'm typing for me to read.

As this blog's name imply, I LOVE to omnomnomnomnom-ing!

*See? I even typed the LOVE in caps. That shows ow much I love to eat.*

This blog will be full of stories or pictures of me eating. And lotsa fooooooodddddd.

May this blog can be your (or probably just 'my') saliva inducer.

I hope the world can unite through people's common trait of eating.

Let the world be in peace.



p/s: maybe I won't update this blog frequently.

p/s/s: There's no follower right now so, I talked to myself-lah kan????
